February Hygain Bonus Breeder of the Month
Congratulations to our Hygain Vicbred Bonus Breeders of the Month...
January Hygain Bonus Breeder of the Month
Congratulations to our Hygain Vicbred Bonus Breeders of the Month...
HBV January Committee Meeting Summary
HBV have published the summary of the most recent informal meeting of committee held in January via Zoom
December Hygain Bonus Breeder of the Month
Congratulations to our Hygain Vicbred Bonus Breeders of the Month...
Another huge Humbletonian Day in 2022
Another terrific all-Vicbred Humbletonian Day in 2922
HBV December Committee Meeting Summary
HBV have published the summary of the most recent informal meeting of committee held in December via Zoom
November Hygain Bonus Breeder of the Month
Congratulations to our Hygain Vicbred Bonus Breeders of the Month...
2022 Humbletonian Day coming up soon
A huge Vicbred maiden day on the cards for Maryborough in 2022
October Vicbred Wednesday Winner
Delve into the breeding of our October Vicbred Wednesday Winner
October Hygain Bonus Breeder of the Month
Congratulations to our Hygain Vicbred Bonus Breeders of the Month...
September Vicbred Wednesday Winner
Delve into the breeding of our September Vicbred Wednesday Winner