Serving Your Interests. Keeping You Informed. Join Today.
Join for just $55 to support your association in serving your interests and keeping you informed - and get yourself some great benefits in the process!
Harness Breeders Victoria is very active and works hard to ensure the voice of the Standardbred breeder is represented to the industry but your membership also supports the work of HBV to enhance the breeder experience. It also entitles you to terrific benefits each season:
Active lobbying and advocacy in the breeding industry's interests, as the official kindred body for breeders, to Harness Racing Victoria and Harness Racing Australia, and representation on the Victorian Harness Racing Advisory Council and the Australian Standardbred Breeders Association
Annual Australasian Standardbred Stallion Guide, posted direct to your door
Regular newsletters and updates, including summaries of HBV General Meetings and regular articles
Prize draws, exclusive offers, and discounts for members across the season
Support and recognition for breeders through a range of initiatives each season
Eligibility for annual Victorian Breeders Awards (other criteria may apply, view our Awards page for details)
Full AGM voting rights and eligibility for committee nomination
Victorian stud master members will have their stud details listed in our Victorian Stud Directory page
Supporting a program of broader member recognition and breeder education
2025 HBV Membership Form
Full 2025 Season Membership - $55.00
Associate Membership* - $11.00
All fees are GST inclusive
All applicants are deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the Rules of Harness Breeders Victoria Inc. If you are a new member, please do not submit an EFT payment without also submitting a membership form. Membership covers 1 January to 31 December each year.
* Associate members must join with a Full Member, and do not receive the Stallion Guide or have trophy awards eligibility (time excellence pins only). Associates are entitled to voting rights and representation.
You can join or renew instantly online with a credit card HERE.
If you’d like to sign up or renew using cheque or EFT, you can download the form HERE.
For renewing members only - if your details have not changed from 2024:
Paying by cheque - you only need to complete your name on the form
Paying by EFT - no form required but you must follow the directions outlined for referencing your payment