Why Victoria?
There are many reasons that Victoria suits the industry of horse breeding – and why the number of sires, foals and breeders are higher in Victoria than all other states combined.
The landscape suits breeding pursuits, with temperate weather and reliable pastures, and world class studs and equine veterinary facilities within easy reach. The administration of Harness Racing in Victoria is one of the strongest and the Office of the Racing Minister is supportive of racing and progressing racing no matter which party is in government. The Vicbred scheme is well designed by the authorities – with close consultation with Harness Breeders Victoria – and financially supported by Government.
Our sales bring terrific prices and the proximity of ample racing and breeding centres is closer than in other states and of course, as a Victorian breeder you are supported by one of the most active, progressive Breeders Associations in the southern hemisphere.
The Vicbred scheme is a multi-million dollar reward to participants from start to finish, with Vicbred Breeder Bonuses in place over and above the published stake money for every age-restricted race in Victoria.
Victoria leads the breeding pack with more pacing and trotting stallions standing in Victoria and a further number available as imported semen exclusively through Victorian studs, and include super producing siring giants like Art Major, Captaintreacherous, Mach Three and Love You.
The Vicbred Futurity Scheme
To be eligible for Vicbred and Vicbred Platinum, breeders need to ensure that their mare is bred and foaled down in Victoria. This will ensure that the resultant foal is eligible for a First Win Bonus of at least $9,000.
If that mare is bred to an Australasian-bred stallion physically standing in Victoria, the Vicbred Pure First Win Bonus of $12,000 will apply.
Owners of mares based outside of Victoria should consider re-locating them to Victoria to either a Victorian stud or breeding farm so as to become eligible for every aspect of the lucrative Vicbred program. This is especially so if a mare is to be booked to a Vicbred Pure stallion such as Poster Boy, Vincent, Skyvalley, Speeding Spur, Guaranteed, Always Ready and many others who are eligible for the $12,000 Bonus. If the mare is not relocated to Victoria for breeding and foaling, the foal will not be Vicbred Platinum eligible and will only attract a $8,000 First Win Bonus.
Breeders should consult the Australasian Standardbred Stallion Guide, a Victorian Stud, Victorian breeding farm or HBV to help arrange their mare to be bred in Victoria and get full Vicbred benefits.
“Breed Victoria. Buy Victoria. Own Victoria. Race Victoria.”