Stallion Advertisement Samples

Below are mock ups of the four different stallion advertisements offered in 2021 for the Australasian Standardbred Stallion Guide. Note that these are samples only (featuring random stallions) and while the main features are static, content may vary from sire to sire (i.e. progeny summary will not be included for a first season sire).

Directory Mock.jpg

Note that these are purely samples, the stallion information contained within isn't necessarily correct or representative.

All studs who advertise a stallion will be included in the Stud Directory at the front of the Stallion Guide.

Half Page Mock.jpg

Half Page

The Stud can provide a summary of their stallion's race career, progeny or family, or dot point highlights to include in the conent area of the half-page advertisements in addition to the photo, pedigree chart, basic sire info and fee.

Single Page Mock.jpg

Single Page (Three column only)

Double Page Three Mock.jpg

Double Page (Three column)

Double Page Two Mock.jpg

Double Page (Double column)